Who We Are
CHERISH HOSPICE is a Medicare/Medical-certified hospice agency licensed by the State of California and accredited by the Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP). We provide hospice care to patients and their families in their homes and other preferred settings.
We employ modern approaches to interdisciplinary health care designed to alleviate the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual discomforts of an individual with a terminal illness. Also, we provide supportive care to primary caregivers and families to relieve them from the stress of worrying about their loved ones. We assist the family or other designated caregivers in making the patient as comfortable as possible, and our assistance is available around the clock if the need arises.
CHERISH HOSPICE treats the person and not the disease. We focus on the quality of care rather than the length of life. Our professional healthcare team is specially trained to meet you and your family’s needs at all times.

CHERISH HOSPICE is committed to compassionate comfort care for individuals with life-limiting illness and their families through quality medical, spiritual, and psychosocial social support that emphasizes respect and dignity of the dying.
Our vision is to deliver exceptional hospice care services, upholding the utmost standards of excellence. We are dedicated to empowering our patients with independence and preserving their dignity.
About the Owner
Elizabeth Sayas RN has been practicing since 1981 and has been in acute care, SNF, Home Health, and Hospice Care for the last 39 years.
Non-Discrimination Statement
According to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Cherish Hospice does not discriminate in the provision of services based on race, color, national origin, disability, or age. For further information or to file a complaint, contact Elizabeth Sayas, R.N., Administrator, at 310-320-1677.